C no reason for bus error flag on ATxmega128A1


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20. Feb. 2014
TWI on ATxmega128A1 as master signals "bus error" in status flag, although the bus looks fine. After writing the address (read slave) I receive an ACK from the client. I can verify this on oszilloscope. Unfortunately the chip sets the "bus error" flag in status register on raising the WIF interrupt. According to datasheet the chip cannot find multiple of 9 bits between start and stop condition for setting the error. But there is neither a stop nor a repeated start condition on oszilloscope. I simply expect the slave to answer on masters clock, but the atmel signals error. I cannot find why. The parallel I2C sniffer (beagle) cannot find a problem as well, except that the remaining data on bus is missing (because of the error flag set and my software stops the transaction). Did anyone found a similar behavior?

I had a problem with TWI a long time ago, too. In my case I simply forgot to set a start condition (or stop? Doesn't know anymore).
Some other sort of problem I had with using SPI. Code hangs after sending the first byte (ready flag never gets set). I forgot to set MOSI as output.

Doesn't know if this helps you to locate your problem.
At least it was a try :)

p.s.: Why an english question in a german community? 0.o
I have no problem with that anyway, at least if you have no problem with my english ;)

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