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  1. M

    ds18b20 error

    Hi, I launched ds18b20 sensor and it works very well But there is a problem is that sometimes the sensor output will remain disconnected from the 0 degree And his power is not interrupted to be true I got up with a resistance of 4.7 k pull-up Cable length is 2 meters, now I'm doing this is...
  2. M

    Bascom DHT-22 Sensor für Luftfeuchtigkeit und Temperatur

    Hello again I have a question that is What is the order of Why water is connected to the variable x The data could not normally sing it. Please tell me that I could do x؟:stupido2:
  3. M

    Bascom DHT-22 Sensor für Luftfeuchtigkeit und Temperatur

    Hi Thank you for the answer Both my practical test I got the answer One problem I had was that I thought the dht22 8-bit data to integer And the next 8 bits to decimal While both 16-bit integers and decimals are Thank you dear friend who answered
  4. M

    Bascom DHT-22 Sensor für Luftfeuchtigkeit und Temperatur

    help me Hi The sensors dht11 & 22 do have friends who can help me if you can My problem is that 40-bit code is sent by the sensor should be included in the integer part and a decimal integer part and decimal humidity as well as temperature 8-bit code is sum of these two But I've seen an LCD...

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