Problem: Dragon with Arduino Ethernet ISP and DebugWir


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07. Juli 2018
  1. Python

From a friend I got an Arduino Ethernet board with an ATmega328 CPU.
Now I want to "play around" with it a bit. Under the Arduino environment with a serial programmer everything runs including Ethernet.

I just do not like this whole Arduino stuff. In particular, debugging is practically impossible.
So I came up with the idea to operate the board over ISP and the AVRDragon. My hope is
just take the AVR Studio 5 with GCC and then program via ISP and via Debugwire
to debug.

For this I connected the ISP connector of the Dragon with the ISP connector of the Arduino 1: 1.
But unfortunately the AVR Studio does not recognize the board.

Already have my fingers googled, but unfortunately found no useful clue.
Has anyone ever tried something like that? Is that possible? What am I doing wrong?

I'm grateful for any hint.

there are some reasons possible:
  • if the RSTDISBL-fuse is activated, programming via SPI (and DebugWire ?? ) is impossible.
  • if the SPIEN-fuse is deactivated, SPI-programming is impossible.
  • if the DWEN-fuse is activated, DegugWire-programming is possible, but SPI-programming not. DWEN can be deactivated by debugWire only (maybe in high voltage parallel programming (HVPP) too)
Your Dragon should support SPI and dWire programming.
Arduinos typically use an Bootloader for programming (UART via an USB-TTL-IC or (in your case) an Ethernet-TTL-IC (WIZNETxxxx). The Arduino-IDE should be able to flash this loader in erased Targets and modify the fuses using SPI-programming. Did you read the fuses?

Which programming interface(s) did you try (with your Dragon and the ATMEL-Studio), and what was the error message(s)?

@TommyB : gibt's irgendwelche Sachen beim deaktivieren vom dWire über das 5er Studio zu beachten?
@LotadaC Eigentlich nicht. Wird über das Menü im Studio deaktiviert und danach ist ISP wieder aktiv (ggf. Power Cycle). Man muss das Studio denn nur umstellen von dW auf ISP, falls gewünscht. Einzige Ausnahme ist, wenn RSTDISBL gesetzt ist, ist es nicht nur mit SPI sondern auch mit dW Asche. + dem üblichen halt. Internal 32KHz + /8 Teiler = böse. Verfusen halt.

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